Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rockin' the Decade and Haiti Relief

I have two great announcements for everyone. As you know, I am one of the incredible featured artists on the Boldaslove.us Presents: Fire in the Dark compilation. Well we had the fortune of being reviewed on Okayplayer.com! Not only was the compilation reviewed, but I was also mentioned. So please check out what they had to say and spread the word about blaKbüshe and the other great bands listed.

Second I was named one of the “Top Ten Sistas to Rock the Decade!” Yes, the decade! It’s hard to believe that I have been rockin’ my blaKbüshe for 10 years. Time flies in this biz and I am thankful for every moment of this journey. Please check out the other women who made this list. I am proud to be sharing space with them.

I know that news of Haiti is everywhere right now and if you are a news hound like me it’s hard to watch, but I must. There is no need for me to recap the devastation. That can be seen on any of the various news outlets you choose to watch or listen to, but I will say this. Much like Katrina, this mess is going to take a very, very, very long time to clean up.

One of my cousins just came back from the Gulf Coast of Mississippi where they are still rebuilding from Katrina, which happened almost 5 years ago. As devastating as Katrina was and no matter how much it continues to haunt those who went through it, it is nothing like what had and is happening in Haiti. I’m not comparing disasters because that’s just ridiculous, but I am saying this. Right now we have to give to Haiti and keep giving. I was here in New York on 9/11, and as heartbreaking as that day was the whole city did not collapse. Imagine if on 9/11 you saw not only the World Trade Center go down, but the Empire State Building, Sears Tower, Madison Square Garden, Yankee Stadium, Port Authority, rows and rows of houses, etc. just turn to dust. That is Port-au-Prince. My hope is that this natural disaster and others will move us to think long and hard about how we are treating the environment and Mother Earth. We can’t keep wreaking havoc on her and expect her not to fight back. What happened in Haiti is a message for all of us. Meditate on that a bit. Meditate on how you can treat our Mother better. She takes care of us. She feeds us, houses us, and clothes us. The least we can do is give a back to her instead of taking all the time. We are one with the earth. You may not understand or believe what I’m saying and that’s okay...for now. But take some time to think about how you give back. I’ve been thinking about it. I’ve been thinking long and hard about it.

Thank you Mother. I’m sending love to you.

Places you can give/donate to Haiti Earthquake Relief
Yéle Haiti
Partners In Heath
Doctors Without Borders

You can also:
Send Reiki
Send Metta
Send Love and Light
Support friends who have lost family
Live every day to the fullest
Stop complaining and be grateful

Homes Leveled after Haiti Earthquake

Homeless After Earthquake

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